Welcome to T&L English House!

We help you learn and confidently use English.

At T&L English House, we prioritize the development of good habits, including the habits of attention and respect. Through focused and meaningful language activities, students will learn to appreciate the beauty of well-crafted sentences, explore the nuances of grammar, and enhance their writing skills. The incorporation of nature observation and outdoor experiences further enriches the learning environment, connecting English with the world around us.

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People are naturally divided into those who read and think and those who do not read or think; and the business of schools is to see that all their scholars shall belong to the former class;

it is worth while to remember that thinking is inseparable from reading which is concerned with the content of a passage and not merely with the printed matter.

Charlotte Mason

Understand the joy of English

Enjoy English stories

Welcome to our English language class, where we embark on a transformative educational journey inspired by the timeless principles of the Charlotte Mason philosophy. Rooted in a holistic approach to learning, this class is designed to nurture the whole child—mind, heart, and soul—through the integration of rich literature, engaging language activities, and thoughtful discussion of ideas.

Mastering the Phonograms

Spelling and reading five hundred thousand words

Have you noticed that in the so-called natural phonics method, there are many exceptions? If there are so many exceptions, how do you pronounce the words? Typically, only memorizing words and taking tests every day for years without seeing results causes students to lose confidence and fear speaking. Learning the phonograms solves this problem by integrating all English phonemes, allowing you to write out half a million words just by listening and pronounce them correctly. From now on, you won’t have to memorize words by rote, enabling your child to surpass their peers and use even English to learn anything.

Absorbing the essence of Western culture.

Expressing English proficiency through narration

Our language curriculum emphasizes narration, encouraging students to express their understanding of stories and ideas in their own words. This approach not only strengthens their communication skills but also promotes deeper engagement with the material, fostering a sense of ownership over their learning.

Putting the child at the center

Fostering independent critical thinking

In line with the spirit of Charlotte Mason, our classrooms adhere to the belief that children are born individuals with a natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge. We recognize the importance of living books, those vibrant and authentic literary works that spark imagination and cultivate a genuine love for language. Through carefully selected literary works, students will explore the wonders of language, expand their vocabulary, enhance comprehension, and develop critical thinking skills.

Ending the cramming textbook education

Learning from living books with vivid ideas

Join us on this literary adventure, where the philosophy of Charlotte Mason will serve as our guiding light, illuminating the path to a comprehensive and joyous English language education.  As Mason tells us, “One more thing is of vital importance; children must have books, living books; the best are not too good for them; anything less than the best is not good enough.”  Let us together cultivate a lifelong love for language and literature, empowering students to become articulate, thoughtful, and imaginative communicators. It is only so far as he is intellectually alive that he can be effective in the wonderful process which we glibly call ‘education’.

Empowering parents to master English.

Access to the complete online system is available at any time

Our classroom values the relationship between teachers and students, recognizing the importance of fostering a supportive and inspiring atmosphere. Through living ideas and a commitment to character education, our goal is not only to impart English language skills but also to cultivate a love of learning that extends beyond the classroom. We do not endorse allowing children to use electronic devices excessively for gaming. Instead, we provide support to families through online teaching system tools, empowering parents to master phonics, pronunciation, and English literacy through professional pronunciation by native speakers, English audio stories, and teaching materials. This enables parents to wield the power of robust English tools and apply them in a child-centered manner.

What Others Are Saying

Hello, my name is Dinosaur (it’s quite an unusual name )and I’ve been at T&L from 2014 until now.  l am still going to T&L and I’m very thankful that I can go there.  10 years ago I couldn’t speak any English but now I can speak fluent English and can read novels like Harry Potter.  Mr. Lo and Miss Leandra took very good care of me when I was young and continue to do so now.  I really recommend coming to T&L, you can improve your English a lot.

Dinosaur Huang, Student

Hello, my name is Anderson and I am one of the first students in teacher Tony & Leandra’s class.  I just want to thank the teachers for educating me beginning in 2009. I have come to the USA for better education and T&L has definitely prepared me for speaking fluent English here. (Chenhsin, Huang)

Anderson Huang, Student

感謝老師的引導,能讓他有機會暢所欲言,盡其所能去使用英語這項溝通工具。 才短短1個半月就讓他跨越瓶頸,畢竟我能教他的英語有限,而且也比補習班制式化的方式還學習更多,這種結果正是我和兒子所期望的,因為他覺得很快樂,而且有老師可以教他正確的學習語言方式,他就更願意使用,總之很感謝老師。
Yin L., Parent

I’m really lucky to have met Leandra and Tony.  It’s very hard to find a good teacher in childhood.  My daughter really appreciates their teaching.  There are many stern teachers in Taiwan.  I never met a kind English teacher like them in my school life, it’s a pity! 
Jenny C., Parent

當孩子在家自己玩時,也很常自言自語,大部分使用English!! 而且喜歡Reading!! 這是在T&L上課之後的一大改變。
S.Y. Yang, Parent

My child is confident in her English speaking abilities and she really likes T&L English School.  I’m glad to find this place, it’s the best way to learn English, Thank you!
T.C. Zhang, Parent

It’s been almost a year since my daughter started learning English at T&L.  She has grown so much both mentally and physically.  I believe that Tony & Leandra have definitely played an important role in her growth. 
Yolanda L., Parent

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T&L English Phonograms - Making English Like a Native Language!

After more than ten years of research and development, the T&L complete phonograms method has been developed, which completely addresses the root of word formation for using 500,000 English vocabulary. This allows students to learn without rote memorization, cultivating independent learning ability. It increases exponentially like a rolling snowball in a cycle, using native-like English pronunciation, naturally using English for listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Mastering phonograms enables easy connection to reading Western classical literature and advanced grammar and rhetoric studies.

Secure the Advantage of English!

What is the T&L phonogram system? Does it conflict with KK phonetic symbols and natural pronunciation?

English has a vocabulary of over 500,000 words, and it continues to grow. This vast lexicon includes words with pronunciations derived from Latin, Greek, French, German, Old English, Middle English, and Modern English. These 500,000 words are composed of sounds from the complete phonogram method. Therefore, natural pronunciation and KK phonetics must rely on step-by-step progression with the guidance of teachers. However, T&L’s comprehensive phonogram method incorporates natural pronunciation, KK phonetics, and more precise elements of American English sounds. Through a cyclical process akin to a snowball effect, it exponentially expands, allowing learners to integrate English into their daily lives and applications without solely focusing on learning just the mechanics of English.

Secure the English Advantage!

What is the minimum age to start learning with the phonogram method?

The T&L Phonogram Method, like a rolling snowball, is best introduced as early as possible. Children are naturally suited to start engaging with it from the beginning of their language learning journey. As they progress, the cyclical nature of the method allows them to effortlessly grasp phonetic distinctions, leading to natural and fluent use of English, akin to their native language.

Secure the English Advantage!

Tony & Leandra


Listen to Stories, Learn English!

Mastering the Advantage of English!